Committee Checklist

Committee Checklist
Use this checklist to help you evaluate your joint health and safety Committee’s operations. Place a check in the appropriate column foreach item (D/K=Don’t Know; N/I=Needs Improvement; N/A=Not Applicable). You may check more than one box per item if you wish. Note that there is room to add your own items at the end of each section. Then discuss priority improvements with the rest of your Committee members.


1. Does the workplace have an effective violence prevention program? *
2. Is there a system in place to track illnesses and injuries? *
3. Is illness and injury data regularly collected and analyzed? *
4. Do both management and union Committee members participate in work site inspections, accident investigations and the necessary follow-up? *
5. Does the Committee maintain a positive working relationship with the employer? *
6. Has the Committee successfully identified and prioritized significant hazards or problems? *
7. Are there unresolved issues that the Committee has not been able to address well? *
8. Does the Committee use appropriately the provisions of the Act and Regulation for resolving conflicts? *
9. Has the employer provided written responses to Committee recommendations within the 21-day time limit? *
10. Does the employer implement Committee recommendations consistently? *
11. Do employees perceive that the Committee is performing a useful function? *
12. Does the Committee regularly follow-up on the implementation of decisions and recommendations? *
13. Does the Committee audit investigations in which it is not directly involved? Does the Committee have an effective process to regularly evaluate its own work? *


1. Do Committee members agree on the basic goals and purposes of the Committee? *
2. Does the Committee work through problems in a systematic, logical way? *
3. Do Committee members clearly define the problem, stating the what, who, when, where and how before considering solutions? *
4. a) Does the Committee use simple techniques like brainstorming to generate creative ideas? *
4. b) Does the Committee use flipcharts or white boards to display key points for everyone to see? *
4. c) Does the Committee look at a variety of possible solutions to problems before selecting the best solutions? *
4. d) Does the Committee base selection of priority problems and/or solutions on clearly stated criteria? *
4. e) Do the co-chairs work well together to facilitate the discussions? *
5. Do members of the Committee attend most of the meetings? *
6. Do Committee members have alternates in case they are unable to attend a regularly scheduled meetings? *
7. Do Committee members have an opportunity to contribute to the agenda? *
8. Do Committee members receive agendas several days in advance of the meetings? *
9. Is the Committee actively involved in all of the major workplace health and safety initiatives? *
10. Does the Committee regularly use Accident Investigation Reports, Workplace Inspection Reports, first aid records and health and safety statistics to inform and support decisions? *
11. Does the Committee receive and discuss complaints from employees? *
12. Are Committee meetings posted on designated OH&S bulletin board(s)? *
13. Are Committee minutes prepared and distributed to Committee members on time? *
14. Does the Committee receive monthly, cumulative quarterly and cumulative annual safety statistics? *
15. Does the Committee meet at least once a month? *
16. Do Committee members have adequate time and resources to carry out their responsibilities? *
17. Does the Committee conduct an orientation session for new members? For new employees? *


1. Does the Committee have agreed terms of references? *
2. Are Committee roles and responsibilities clearly defined? *
3. Is the Committee the right size? *
4. Are there at least as many union as employer representatives on the Committee? *
5. Do the respective unions select the union members? *
6. Are all sectors, departments, and unions adequately represented on the Committee? *
7. a) Does the Committee always use a clear, written agenda? *
7. b) Does the agenda indicate who is responsible for particular roles within the meetings? *
7. c) Does the agenda clearly specify the intended purpose of the discussion items? *
7. d) Does the agenda include time limits for each item? *
7. e) Are the co-chairs involved in setting the agenda? *
8. a) Does the Committee produce clear, action-oriented minutes of every meeting? *
8. b) Do the minutes specify who is responsible for carrying out Committee decisions? *
8. c) Do the minutes specify deadlines for the completion of activities based on Committee decisions? *
8. d) Do the minutes accurately summarize the content of Committee discussions? *
9. Does the Committee report to the “right” person representing the employer? *
10. Does the Committee receive the necessary support from the employer? *

Worksheet 2 - Self Assessment Checklist

This self assessment checklist is to assist the JOH&S Committee in ensuring that they are functioning in accordance with the WCB requirements. It is a part of the overall annual program review. The self-assessment is made up of three parts:

√ Self Assessment Checklist – To identify required items
√ Scoring Sheet – To measure and compare the committee’s performance over time
√ Action Plan – To identify items that need attention

Answer each statement by checking “yes” or “no” and rate the effectiveness of the element for your committee. A score of “0” = No or not present. A score of “10”, a perfect score, indicates that the element is considered to be best practice. It is recognized that this may be difficult for certain questions.

1. The committee has written terms of reference that effectively establishes the committee’s rules of procedure. *
2. There are a minimum of four members, worker and employer representatives from and representing the committee. *
3. At least 50% of the members are worker representatives. *
4. Worker and Employer representatives have selected on co-chair each. *
5. The use of alternative has been discussed and decided. *
6. Names and work locations of committee members are posted (including alternates where applicable) *
7. The committee has a process to identify unhealthy and unsafe workplace situations. *
8. The committee advises on effective systems for responding to unhealthy and unsafe workplace situations as identified above. *
9. The committee considers and quickly deals with complaints. *
10. The committee consults with workers and the employer on issues related to OH&S and work environment. *
11. The committee advises the employer on proposed changes to the workplace or work process that may affect the health and safety of workers. *
12. The committee advises the employer on workplace programs and policies requires by OH&S regulations and monitor their effectiveness. *
13. The committee makes recommendations to the employer on educational programs promoting health and safety of workers and compliance with the OH&S regulations and monitors their effectiveness. *
14. The committee ensures that incident investigations are carried out as required. *
15. The committee ensures that regular inspections are carried out as required. *
16. The committee has discussed and decided what level of participation they will have in inspections and has assigned representatives if applicable. *
17. The committee has discussed and decided wat level of participation they will have in investigations and has assigned representatives if applicable. *
18. The committee has discussed and assigned (if applicable) representatives to participate in inquires. *
19. The committee meets regularly at least once per month. *
20. The committee regularly uses the OH&S standards and regulations in their deliberations. *
21. The committee has a means for soliciting and considering employee OH&S suggestions. *
22. The committee reviews and comments on inspections reports. *
23. The committee reviews and comments on incident/accident reports and reports on industrial or occupational disease. *
24. There is an action column, a deadline for completion column, and a responsibility assigned columned shown in the minutes for follow up and to ensure action items are completed. *
25. There is report prepared for each meeting with a copy provided to the employer, the workers and the unions, as applicable. *
26. The committee ensures that written recommendations are directly relate to healthcare. *
27. Complete and clearly describe actions required without requests from the employer for additional information to make a decision. *
28. Reasonably capable of being completed/approved. *
29. Forwarded to the employer in writing requesting a written response within 21 calendar days. *
30. The committee ensures that the minutes of the 3 most recent meetings are posted. *
31. The committee has ensured that all committee minutes are readily accessible to committee members, workers, and the WCB. *
32. The committee has been provided with the necessary equipment, space, and clerical staff to carry out their duties. *
33. The committee has confirmed that they report to their employer through the employer rep on the committee. *
34. The committee has discussed “information that must be kept confidential” and how they will achieve the confidentiality. *
35. The committee has discussed “refusal of unsafe work.” *